YAMATO’s Ocean visibility from project44 Explained
04.23.2019 | Category, Blog

The development of new technology extends the art of the possible. For example, the advancement of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology has greatly benefitted the world of aviation, allowing airline pilots to know exactly where they are and how long it will be until they reach their destination. In a similar fashion, technological advancements within transportation and logistics have provided shippers with more data points and increased insight into the status of their shipments. Through these developments, YAMATO is leveraging project44’s Ocean Visibility solution to power our strategy moving forward.
YAMATO seeks to increase both the accuracy and reliability of ocean freight. One of the main pain points of shipping via container has long been the accuracy of steamship lines and their estimated times of arrival. YAMATO is developing advanced APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) so customers can know exactly where their shipments are and when they can be expected to arrive in port.
For years, ocean visibility has been defined by satellite tracking data. This capability isn’t new, in fact, it’s fully expected of any ocean shipment. In order to advance ocean visibility to the new era of supply chain technology, project44 and YAMATO have gone past just satellite data and focused on tracking at the container level.
The results of these advancements include a higher level of operational efficiency, a reduction in overall costs, and an improved customer experience. YAMATO and project44 are committed to building and implementing new solutions that improve supply chain performance for all businesses and their customers.